Boy Blue & Co. designs and builds unique, idiosyncratic brand identities and web presences for creative professionals, small businesses, and nonprofits.
We view our role broadly, collaborating with clients to showcase their talents and develop their madcap schemes into real-world enterprises. We provide logos and branding, whip up illustrations, spruce up photographs, and help you negotiate obstacles from print shops to social media. (We've even been known to contribute to blogs we've built.) We've been at this a while, and nothing makes us happier than deploying our expertise in the service of people's dreams.
Boy Blue was founded by Kenan Rubenstein, an artist and designer in Brooklyn, back in the dark ages of web design (circa 2003). As a creative professional, small business owner, non-profit board member, and expatriate from the age of analogue, he has a whole bunch of first-hand experience with the thrills and challenges of committing to a project you believe in.
Give him a holler at kenan at boyblueandco dot com.